
Showing posts from September, 2010

Two Circles.

Imagine two circles. One is a big circle where God's presence abides. The other is a circle where every rottenness abide----bitterness,negativity,greed,selfishness,impatience,anger,hatred,licentiousness,all fleshly things abhorrent to God etc Which circle would you like to be?If you stand in God's circle, God himself is your Vindicator,Redeemer,Rewarder,Judge,Protector,PromiseKeeper,Shepherd...and He will be to you whom you want Him to be. He fights our battles for us.You will live in peace. If you are in the other circle where you are standing in a muck of bitterness/negativity/greed/selfishness/impatience/anger/hatred/licentiousness/whatever is not of faith there is no one to help you out of your situation. Not even satan will help you there.This is temporal circle where there is only destruction and that is satan's goal.You will know no peace. Your God given life opportunity is wasted in the muck. Jesus talked of a narrow path and a broad path in Matt 7:14 Enter through

The Lord watches over me

The Lord watches over me in the still of the night and in the turbulance might that I may not loose myself from His sight comforting me within His light. The Lord my God watches over me in the brightness of every day He sends me smiles my way in my pain,my sorrows,my joys,come whatever may, He rejoices over me when I pray that I will trust Him and at His feet my cares lay. The Lord watches over me through the anxieties,hurts and worries keeing me from all vengeful quarries Gathering me under His wings Redemption,Restoration is what His grace brings This is all I pray to my El Shaddai That to forgive others as much as I try to live in His love as the days go by That He may call me a daughter after His own heart who will yeild to Him in full and not in part. That He may call me a mighty woman of valor not let down with rough times but come out in full color That He may call me His treasured possession to delight myself in that confession and that He may call me His Friend that I might le